Welcome to Uncommon Life
Essential Partner

Find Your Gifts
Our Shape Assessment test is designed to identify your God given gifting, see what your passions are, and see where you can serve the Church. Once you complete the test a staff member will be in contact with you to talk about how you can serve as an Essential Partner here at Gracepoint.
Find Your Group
Being a Faithful friend starts with finding a group you belong to, and commit to walk through life with them. Here at Gracepoint we believe that growth happens in groups. If your next step if our Basics class, Uncommon Life Training or just joining a Life Group. We want to help you experience the Lord with other people around you. Click the Link below to sign up for your next step.
Set Up Your Giving
One of the great privileges of the local church is to worship God with our resources through giving that is systematic, proportionate, and sacrificial in nature.
When you give to Grace Point you can be assured that your gifts are going to grow the Kingdom of God. You don't give to the Church, you give through the Church.