I am a New Creation
These are the first steps of your growth pathway as you grow in Jesus. Starting with the moment you exchange your life for Jesus, you're invited to take part in water baptism and our basics course that goes over what it looks like to live uncommon life in Jesus. From there, join us for a Discovery class or Mission Partner Workshop to get more involved at Grace Point Church!
First Steps

Baptism is a New Believer's first act of obedience. This Command of Jesus signifies new life in Christ by identifying with Jesus’ death burial and resurrection. We believe Baptism by immersion best represents the exchange life in Christ and is a requirement for becoming a Mission Partner at Grace Point

New to Christianity? Young in your walk with Christ? Basics helps answer some basic questions: Now that I’ve exchanged my life, what do I do now? / What is sin? / What do I do when I sin? / How do I read the Bible? / Who is the Holy Spirit? / How do I know if/when God is speaking to me? / How do I grow closer to Jesus?
Basics Bible study is designed with the new believer in mind. We believe we should all obey Jesus in discipleship. That means becoming a disciple and discipling others. You will meet with another believer one-on-one and learn the answers to these questions!

Baptism (by immersion) is a one-time act of obedient identification with Jesus as Lord. A believer is baptized as an outward sign of his or her conscious confession of repentance and faith to Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful picture of the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Jesus Christ. (Mark 1:9; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 8:38-39; Acts 2:41; Colossians 2:12)